Friday, April 11, 2008

Hold That Cut Line Steady

The cut line moved from 3-over to 4-over and back to 3-over this afternoon. As I suspected, 3-over would be needed in order to make the cut. Congrats to Scott, Drew and Bob - all three had 7 players make the cut and are ready to score points over the weekend.

On a personal note (and a note that describes the core belief of golf, and what separates golf from nearly every other sport). I really thought I'd have the only Amateur to make the cut. Michael Thompson was riding the cut-line the entire round, and was ready to putt for birdie on 15 (it was about a 5 footer). Just as he grounded his club, his ball moved - it took several replays before the announcers could determine that it did, in fact move. He called a penalty on himself. Obviously a little shaken up, he pushed the putt, and what had originally looked like a birdie turned to bogie. He didn't make the cut. Amateurs playing on the weekend these days are rare; honesty and integrity in the game of golf are common. I love this game!

I've uploaded the latest spreadsheet and the Leader Board is on the left side of this post. The scoring takes into account 3 points for making the cut. Remember that in Round 3, the points double (so if your player shoots 2-under, you get 4 points) and in Round 4, the points quadruple (so if your player shoots 2-under, you get 8 points). It's not over! And, if your player wins, you get an additional 8 points.

Have a great weekend.

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